Saturday, June 6, 2009

SANS Training

If anyone is interesting in taking any training from the SANS Institute, please use my link below. It is a referral link and they will give me a small percent of the course costs (every little bit helps as my third child is on the way). I have attended several SANS Training classes and as far as classroom training goes they are some of the best out there.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

#3 from Canada and #4 from the US, thanks!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Yeah! Download #2 from Greece, thanks!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

DaSneeze is approved!

DaSneeze has been approved for the app store!
I had my first download on 5/7 from someone in Japan!
Here's hoping it does well!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Simple Mistake... Waiting again....

I got a response back from someone at Apple about my application 3 days after I submitted it. I was excited until I read the email that stated my beautiful application crashed on launch and would I please fix it and resubmit.... Argh!!!! I pulled it back down and found an obscure reference to the previous application name that was causing it to crash. Why I didn't find that in my testing? I don't know, perchance something was cached in the build process, beats me, it's fixed now. Still waiting, but working on the next application (or at least trying to).

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The waiting game

I am now playing the waiting game with Apple, I managed to finally submit my application for review and now I have to wait for some answer (hopefully, yes, we would love to put it in the app store!). I have heard that it can take from 3 days to 3 weeks to get an answer. I hope it is on the shorter side of the scale, it's only been 2 days and I'm already checking my email and the developer portal for some status change... Some time I'll get around to posting some sample code that helped me out related to things like custom buttons, accelerometer, images, and the NSUserDefaults.

Friday, April 24, 2009

iSneeze is now DaSneeze

Oh well, it looks like someone else has registered iSneeze so my application is now DaSneeze. I was up until 2:30am figuring out how to get it uploaded for review in the app store. It's there now, time to wait and see....


I've created my first iPhone application and named it iSneeze, hopefully Apple is cool with that.